Modapalooza: NCMH's Mobile Modernist Fall Tour

Sheraton Imperial Hotel

4700 Emperor Blvd
Durham , NC
Image details

Join North Carolina Modernist Houses and enjoy a great day touring new and recently-renovated Modernist houses around the Triangle without the hassle of driving!


Modapalooza includes the delightful company of fellow Modernist architecture fans, breakfast, snacks, drinks, a delicious lunch, and free wifi in our luxury restroom-equipped, air-conditioned bus. Meet award-winning architects Frank Harmon, Arielle Schechter, Phil Szostak, Matt Griffith, Tina Govan, and Jason Hart.


Ticks are: $149 per person general public, $129 per person Mod Squad Members. Includes breakfast, snacks, and a BBQ lunch. If you're vegan/vegetarian, you can request the appropriate lunch after you purchase tickets. Hurry, the tour is almost sold out!


More information here

2017 Tour Day



Visit the official Tour Day page and fill out a 2017 registration form to join this year's tour line-up.