The Theoretical and Technical Challenges of Adapting Modernism

Murphy Design Studio

1218 Theo Dickinson Dr
Coral Gables, FL


Richard J. Heisenbottle

Amy Garlock

Karen Stone

Image details

This session will explore two facets of deign within the adaptation of iconic Modern structures.  First, the theoretical, documentary, and exploratory research to understand the intentionality of the original design.  Second, the technical analysis of original materials help inform repairs, material choice, and modernization of these structures for the adapted use.  We will look at two case studies to explore these topics: The Pan American Regional Headquarters and Lever House.


  • Miami’s Taj Majal: The Pan American Regional Headquarters Building
    Richard J. Heisenbottle, FAIA 
  • Preserving Modernism: Lever House and the Sustainability of a Landmark
    Amy Garlock and Karen Stone 



Todd Grover, FAIA



Murphy Design Studio


1.25 HSW AIA credits
