This is one of four parallel sessions taking place from 9:50 AM - 11:05 AM on Thursday June 2.
Speakers have been asked to pre-record their presentations and we will be releasing these videos to registrants after the Symposium so that you can watch sessions you weren't able to attend.
Ways of Seeing & Representing Modernism
The four papers presented in this session deal with the many ways of seeing the built environment and their effect on documentation, preservation, and creation. Topics include visual observation as mediated through the camera lens, the use of archival photographs in the renovation of historic sites, the use of the photograph in architectural design, and the changing perceptions of a building through the eyes of what Robert Venturi called “the moving observer.”
Speakers & Paper titles:
Theory Follows Photography: the Evolving Gaze of Denise Scott Brown
Pablo Meninato, Temple Univeristy -
With American Eyes. Robert Venturi 1948: Discovering Europe
Francesca Sisci, Polytechnic of Bari -
Out of Season: A Decade of Documenting the Wildwoods
Mark Havens, Thomas Jefferson University -
Mid-Century in Color: Using Archives to Reveal a Lost Palette in Palm Springs
Katie Horak, Principal, Architectural Resources Group