International Entries
Registrants outside of the U.S. will need to submit payment via PayPal. Use the two address boxes to enter your full address, including state/province and country. Choose any option for state/province and enter a placeholder for the zip code.
After the "Complete Registration" button on the third page, it will take you to the payment page. Choose the "Pay Later" option and check the box that says "I will pay via PayPal to"

Competition Rules
- All individuals 18 years of age and over are eligible to enter. Docomomo US members, chapters, amateur photographers as well as professional photographers are encouraged to participate.
- Photos must have been exposed by, and be owned by, the entrant. Each entry must be an original work created within the last five (5) years (no earlier than May 18, 2015).
- The subject matter must be a building, site, structure, or landscape of the Modern Movement.
- Depictions of sites from any location worldwide are permitted, but locations within the United States or on U.S. territory are encouraged. Ideally, sites will have originally been completed between 1940 and 1980, but submissions outside these parameters will be considered.
- This competition is void where prohibited by law.
Photo Permissions
Entrants agree to allow Docomomo US to display, distribute, or reproduce images in whole or in part, for promotional purposes related to the photography competition, including printed reproductions in the form of individual note cards that will be made available for purchase through Docomomo US. Docomomo US will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such uses. Photographers may choose to grant permission to Docomomo US to use and reproduce images for educational and advocacy related efforts. Images will always be credited.
If photos contain recognizable individuals, the photographer must confirm through the online registration form that they have obtained all necessary permissions to use their image.
The I Spy Modernism Photography Competition is an initiative of Docomomo US. Any photographers or representative companies mentioned are included to provide illustration of the deep connection of architecture and photography.
Image Requirements
- Individual images must not exceed 20 MB in size.
- Each image must be at least 300 dpi and 1500 x 2100 pixels (vertical or horizontal orientation accepted), and in JPG or TIFF format. Images that do not adhere to these dimensions may be cropped if chosen as one of the finalists.
- Black-and-white, color, and color converted to grayscale photos are all accepted.
Entry Fee
Each entry fee allows you to enter up to three images.
Members $25.00
Students $15.00
Non-members $50.00
Cash Awards
First Place $500
Second Place $300
Third Place $200
In addition to receiving cash awards, the top entries will be featured on the Docomomo US website and produced in the form of note cards which will be made available for purchase through Docomomo US. The winning entrants will each receive a complimentary set of note cards.