Citation of Merit
The jury awards an Inventory/Survey Citation of Merit for the SurveyLA Historic Context Statement – L.A. Modernism, 1919-1980. SurveyLA is a one-of-a-kind endeavor, diving deep into the history of the built environment in Los Angeles and how it has shaped the city and region. It is the largest and most comprehensive survey of historic resources completed by an American city to date. The Historic Context Statement on L.A. Modernism explores the maturation of modernism across Los Angeles and how this style came to define our concept of the city. Through intense survey work, this project tracks the development of Prewar styles, Postwar styles, and architectural responses to both, featuring works from prolific architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Irving Gill, Richard Neutra, and many others. This compendium is easily accessible through the Department of City Planning and is written on a level that all enthusiasts of modern architecture can understand and enjoy. Given the lack of context statements for modern resources at state and municipal levels country-wide, SurveyLA is a model for others to follow.
“This is a thorough, expansive, and breathtaking resource. It is generously inclusive of both mundane and refined works of architecture. It is a great resource to consult for scholarly pursuits while not being overly academic.”
City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning: Ken Bernstein, Janet Hansen, Shannon Ryan, Sara Delgadillo
Architectural Resources Group (Project Lead and Principal Author): Katie Horak, Andrew Goodrich
Los Angeles, CaliforniaCountry
United States