Citation of Technical Achievement
A Citation of Technical Achievement is awarded to the Tower of Hope, Christ Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. Commenting on the project the jury noted, “Seismic upgrades are as necessary as they are expensive, causing some buildings to be lost to demolition rather than to be retrofitted. The success of this project, a dynamic assemblage of low and high buildings by a master architect, rests on patient research and a determination to find and apply creative solutions without compromising preservation goals. The project can serve as a model for others which might be lost to demolition.&rdquo
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, Christ Cathedral
LPA Inc. - architecture and structural engineering, for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, with other consultants.
Garden Grove, CA
Case Study House No. 21
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Other designers
Restoration Team: LPA Inc., architecture and structural engineering, for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, with other consultants.